Channel Guidelines

4 minute read

ℹ️ Configure your IRC client to connect to port 6697 and join our channel #politics-uncensored

Welcome to #Politics-Uncensored

A U.S.-centric political discussion channel founded on August 7 2016. We encourage constructive dialogue and rigorous debate but maintain standards of respect, common values, and decency.

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it. — Thomas Jefferson

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. — Voltaire

1. Technical Rules

  1. Our /topic is unlocked. The use of /invite is similarly unlocked. Do not abuse these privileges.
  2. Posting of graphic\pornographic\violent\hateful\gory images or slogans are not tolerated.
  3. Flooding, spamming, trolling, are not political discourse and are not tolerated.
  4. Bots & Scripts are not permitted.
  5. Public logging of this channel is discouraged.

2. Operator Actions

  1. We employ an @iban system to discourage unhelpful contributions to channel discussions and a Doge Wallet system to positively reinforce valuable contribution to channel discussions.
  2. An @iban is issued as a ban, but functions as a +q or quiet. The user is still permitted to be present in channel, but is simply unable to contribute to the conversation for a period of time. The user is effectively “put in the corner” to think about what they’ve said and, the manner in which they’ve expressed it.
  3. If you receive an @iban moderation action, please note the numerical limit of the action. The number is representative of seconds, so @iban value of 120 is only a two-minute quiet. There is no need to “ragequit” for a simple/short @iban ; simply compose yourself and defend your position in a more civilized manner.
  4. Respect decisions by channel and server staff and do not disrupt the channel. If you disagree with an operator action please discuss privately with the operator in PM. However, please note that you are not entitled to any response under any circumstances and repeated harassment will only lengthen your participation restriction.

3. Operator/Moderator rules

  1. Any user may be granted Moderation Privileges (+oO) regardless of political affiliation.
  2. Users are granted moderation privileges based upon their demonstrated ability to maintain impartiality.
  3. Abuse of moderator privileges will result in summary loss of moderation abilities without recourse.
  4. Channel moderators shall not reverse decisions by other moderators without consensus. Those who have a disagreement should discuss their reasoning & objections with one another in PM and come to a consensus.

Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy. — Isaac Newton

4. Bots

  1. Bots of any type or utility not authorized by channel staff are not permitted.
  2. WalletBot is a Doge Wallet bot. For more information please /msg WalletBot help.
  3. keyser is the channel digital assistant.
  4. Abuse of any channel bot is not tolerated.



  1. WalletBot is effectively an anonymous banking system operated by Bill48105.
  2. All issues with the bot are to be directed to Bill48105.
  3. Information about Dogecoin
  4. Any monies deposited to your account are yours anonymously and you need not share your deposits, withdrawals, or balance to anyone for any reason.
  5. .balance - Check Doge balance.
  6. .balances - Check ALL coin balances. (wallet can hold multiple digital currencies.)
  7. .tip <user> <amount> - removes <amount> from YOUR balance and gives it to <user>.
  8. The “gambling” system employed by WalletBot may be restricted or illegal in some municipalities.


  1. Ask him questions: keyser, <question>
    keyser: Do you like Green eggs & Ham?
    <keyser> insomnia: Maybe...
  2. @<item> will return a value from the factoid database. Users may contribute factoids with syntax:
    • @learn #politics-uncensored <item> is <text>
    • 🆘 Do not abuse this function. You can and will be excluded from this function for abuse.
  3. @roulette spin - Spin the chamber.
  4. @roulette - pull the trigger. What could PROBABLY go wrong?
  5. @weather <zip code or city> - Current weather forecast.
  6. @ud <word> - Urban Dictionary definition for word.
  7. @google <whatever> - Search Daddy Google for whatever.
  8. @kickme - Guess what this does?
  9. @topic add <text> - Appends text to the current topic.
  10. @td - Sets /topic to the Default.
  11. @x0 LINK - Creates an short url for LINK.
  12. @godwin - Invoke Godwin’s Law caveat.

Text Substitution

This channel supports text substitution via standard UNIX SED expressions. If you say, “Hello rFiends!” in channel and wish to correct it, simply use: s/rFiends!/Friends! and keyser will send your corrected statement to channel!

5. Caveats


Godwin’s law is an Internet adage which asserts that “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches”. #Politics-Uncensored has adopted this debate rule so that once such a comparison is made, the debate is finished and whoever mentioned Hitler has automatically lost whatever debate was in progress.


A #Politics-Uncensored Caveat which (once invoked), is equivalent to throwing down or calling out an incredulous assertion. Once No Way has been invoked, failure to provide definitive proof of assertion results in immediate dismissal of same.


  1. (n) Money or any other valuable consideration given or promised with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person., or
  2. Gleefully accepted by channel Captain and Commander. (Only applicable to these two Sr. Staff positions in perpetuity.)
  3. Special consideration bribes have a mandatory minimum of 15,000 DOGE.


Please consider raising the quality of the discussion by climbing up the pyramid

These channel guidelines are written and approved by insomnia and palasso.